JUMP TORally UXR Developer DocsPanelsGet paginated list of panelspostPeopleSearch for peoplepostImport peoplepostDelete peoplepostDelete a persondeleteGet a person's opted out status by ID or emailgetUpdate a person's opted out statusputPerson PropertiesCreate multiple new person propertiespostGet all person properties in your workspacegetGet a person property by IDgetUpdate a person property by IDputPopulationsPaginated list of population in your workspacegetSegmentsPaginated list of segments in your workspacepostStudiesCreate a new studypostPaginated list of participants in a studypostGet paginated list of studies in your workspace.postImport participants to a studypostUpdate a studyputGet a study by IDgetUpdate a study statuspostParticipantsIncentivesGet paginated list of incentivespostImportsGets an import by idgetUsersGets a paginated list of all usersgetPersonReturns a person in your workspacegetUpdates a person's opted out statuspostDeletes people by emailpostperson.opted_outpostpostperson_import.api.finishedpostpostPowered by postwbhk person.opted_out