Observer Rooms

Invite observers to view a livestream of your user research interviews

Zoom Configuration

No installation is required.

Setting up Observer Rooms

Enable Observer Rooms: Toggle on the observer room in the Interviews study builder.

Observer Room Guests: Add guests to the observer room by selecting their name from the “Add teammates” dropdown, or inputting their email address if they do not have a Rally account in your workspace.


Note for observers: Add a custom message for the study that only observers will see during the livestream.

Once you publish the study and interviews get booked, Observers will receive a separate email and calendar invites with the Observer Room link. Participant PII is protected.

During The Interview

Admitting the Notetaker: 5 minutes before each interview starts, a recording bot (automatically set to "Notetaker") will request to join the interview. It must be admitted by the host of the interview. The notetaker automatically records the interview - no need to record the interview manually.

Joining the Observer Room: Observers will join the Observer Room for each interview by clicking on the link provided to them in the email or calendar invite that they receive at the time of interview booking.

You can also share the link yourself by navigating to the observer room and clicking the “Copy link” button. To reach the observer room for any interview: go to your study’s upcoming interviews page, click on the three dotted menu for the interview you want to view, click “View observer room”.

After The Interview

A recording of the interview will be available after the call is complete. Team members will be able to view and share a link to the recording page at any time. Your workspace admin can configure who can download Observer Rooms in Settings (admins only, or admins and study teammates).

View the Observer Rooms Settings support doc to see how Super Admins can configure security settings.